
Minggu, 04 Mei 2014

contoh surat bahasa inggris

Palembang,aprill 25,2014             
Regard : Job Application
Manager  PT.Gajah Mada
Jl. Angin Ribut no.4
With respect
                Based on the info posted on the webside and information from the weekly newspaper, I intend to apply for a job to be able to join and develop a career in this company.
I like the short data below;
Name                    : Arie Nardu
Place Of Birth    : Gajah Mati
Date Of Birth     : 17 October 1995
Education End   : Sma Negeri 1 Sungai Keruh
Address               : Desa Gajah Mati Kec. Sungai Keruh ,Musi Banyuasin
Domicile              : Sudirman  Street
Phone                   : 082175451102
                I have high motivation to work. I believe with hard work and good business, I can I can immediately self adjust with a given work activity.
I realized that the cover letter and curriculum vitae that I sent it can not explain my qualifications in depth. Hence, I really hope Mr / Ms willing to take the time provide an opportunity to interview so I can explain in more detail the potential in me..
thus the cover letter, thank you for the attention of Mr / Ms.

( Arie Nardu )

Curriculum vitae
·         Personal Data
Name                            : arie nardu
Address                       : desa gajah mati kec. sungai keruh,musi banyuasin,sumatera selatan
Phone                           : 082175451102
place of birth             : desa gajah mati
date of birth               : 17 october 1995
sex                                 : male
maritel status            : single
religion                         : islam
nationality                   : indonesia

·         Education Detail
1.       2013 – ....     STMIK PALCOMTECH PALEMBANG
2.       2010 – 2013 SMA N 1 SUNGAI KERUH
3.       2007 – 2010 SMP N 1 SUNGAI KERUH
4.       2001 – 2007 SD N 1 DESA GAJAH MATI

·         Job Experiences

·         Skills
I have such capability able to operate a computer, Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point and others.

·         Personality
I can work hard, diligent and honest, can work independently and in teams.
Palembang ,april 25,2014

 ( Arie Nardu ) 

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